West Des Moines Celebrates the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

December 13, 2022 1:45 pm

The City of West Des Moines, in partnership with the West Des Moines Historical Society, WDM Chamber of Commerce, DMU, Greater Des Moines Partnership, Taste of the Junction, City of West Des Moines Human Services, City of West Des Moines Human Rights Commission & Meals From the Heartland, are excited to celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. King with days of service and celebration.

Included in the activities are free tours of the Jordan House Museum Sunday, January 15 and a book giveaway to our visitors, day of service packing meals at Meals From the Heartland, a food drive for the West Des Moines Food Pantry and multi-cultural reception, where awards will be presented to students and adults who personify Dr. King’s dream of inclusion, diversity and community service. For more information, go to https://tinyurl.com/mrxp7ejc