November 4, 2015 11:43 am
Step back in time and join us at the historic Jordan House
and Bennett School for a holiday celebration!
Sunday, December 6 and 13
- The Jordan House will be full of live music, yummy treats and self-guided tours will be available.
- The Bennett School will be the place for family activities, including decorating gingerbread houses and making paper garlands.
Only $5 per person for ages 12 and older
$3: ages 6-11
5 and under: Free
Your ticket covers both locations the day you visit.
September 17, 2015 11:36 am

Home for the Holidays
Celebrate the season at the Historic Jordan House
Bennett School
Sundays, December 4 and 11
2pm-5pm both days
The West Des Moines Historical Society invites you and your family to join us for music, food and family friendly activities at both our unique locations.
The Jordan House, an 1850 Victorian home and historic stop on the Underground Railroad, will be beautifully decorated inside and out. There will be live music, treats and many lovely decorations to admire on self-guided tours.
The Bennett School, the last one-room schoolhouse built in Polk County, will offer families the chance to decorate an individual gingerbread house and create traditional Christmas decorations.
Cost is only $5 for adults and $3 for students to visit both properties and take part in all the events.
We hope you join us at the Jordan Home, 2001 Fuller Avenue and the Bennett School, 4001 Fuller Avenue.