Share Your Stories
We are living in historic times. The West Des Moines Historical Society is collecting your stories of how COVID-19 has affected your daily life. From work closures to children home from school, from trips to the grocery store and social distancing, everything is history which needs to be recorded. What would you like future Iowans to know about what you are living through today?

Who should Share? EVERYONE! We want to share a diverse range of perspectives. All ages, all experiences. Families, organizations, individuals, whether on the front lines of the pandemic or not. Everyone’s story is important to history

What should you Share? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your daily life? Has your view of your town, state, country and world changed? What would be the most important thing for future generations to know?
Your stories can take many forms, including daily journaling, children’s drawings, poems, audio recordings and even songs.

How can you Share? Your stories can be sent to the West Des Moines Historical Society many ways, including email, recorded and sent through the mail, or brought to the Jordan House by appointment.You can also utilize the form at the bottom of the page to submit your Stories.

Need a starting point? Here are just a few ideas:
• How has this pandemic affected you and your family?
• Have you been working from home?
• What has social distancing looked like for you and your family? Have you been following the rules? If not, why not?
• How have you kept your spirits up and entertained? Favorite movies, books or music you’ve been listening to? Have you been binging any series?
• Have you discovered any new recipes or things you’ve enjoyed cooking?
• How have business closings affected you? Are you a business owner?
• How have your children dealt with the schools closings and other uncertainties?

Share Your COVID-19 Story

Share Your COVID-19 Story